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More than 25 years of


We have the know-how you need.

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Competition for getting into the top schools is increasing year to year; what used to be a mundane process of submitting paperwork after paperwork now requires a lot more thought into what needs to be done and when the best time to do them would be. Test scores do not improve overnight, essays do not write themselves, and extracurriculars should be more than working to get into college. Very often students approach the exams and college application without a clear goal laid out -- they end up missing deadlines or realizing that one wrong step puts them at a disadvantage with their competitors. 


At New York Academy, we cater to each student's individual needs. From grade school to high school, we want to help parents and students see why a clear plan must be drawn out as early as possible; that students should not just be satisfied with one score, but should know what they need to do after obtaining that score. Depending on the grade level of the students, our consultation will help students and parents draw out a plan for the steps they need to take in order to achieve their end goal. 


If you are interested in getting consultation, please call 718-225-0022 to set up an appointment with our experienced consultants.

The first consultation will be free of charge.

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